
Daily Notes

June 25

Today when I got up I went drove with my dad to Carmax. I actually wasn't too bad, but of course, he wanted to correct me on things. So we looked at some cars, because the SUV we have isn't safe for me to drive in. No, I won't be getting a car when I turn sixteen, at least not at this point, but I do need a car that won't tip over when I turn to sharply. Then we came home, ate lunch, and I went out driving with my mom. We had to pick up some stuff for Boxwell this week so we went to Walgreens to get stuff like deodorant, shampoo, duct tape, etc. Then I came home, practiced for an hour, messed around for a while, and then started packing. I've got most of my stuff taken care of so far, just a few last minute things and I'll be ready to go. It sucks that I'll be going up late though. I'll be late because of that National Jamboree meeting, which isn't bad, but it means I likely won't get a nice tent. Then tonight the people from Denver called. Damn them.... and then my parents went out to dinner to celebrate a friend's 50th birthday. And so I'm stuck here with a sitter and my brother until my parents gets home. I can't wait until Boxwell tomorrow because I'm away from here (my parents) and my brother for a week. Thank God! I can't wait.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, no updates for a week because I'll be away at Boxwell.


June 23

This week is almost over. Finally. Art Camp has been an adventure. Considering that I haven't taken art or done any form of art since 8th grade, I'm not doing too badly. It's this weird print making stuff where you roll ink onto a plate and then erase parts and imprint designs onto it and then print it multiple times on paper to create an image. If you're an artist, you know what I'm talking about. If not, then you have no idea. It's ok, I didn't understand it when i did it for the first time on Monday either. In other news, I'm going to work out after camp again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll do as well as I did on Wednesday. New stuff on the website includes submitting every page to Google Sitemaps so that they can be found on Google and a My Pictures Page where I can put pictures. Art camp will be over and the roller coaster ride will begin. Here's the plan: next week-Boxwell, then home, then a week at Seabase, then home for three days, then National Jamboree for two weeks, then Hawaii the next week. Let the roller coaster ride begin!!!

June 19

I feel like writing a song about Atheism because my mom accused me yesterday of being atheist and that really really pisses me off. I can't believe she would do that. I mean, I'm not a huge church goer or anything, but it's not like I'm atheist! That makes me really really mad...

June 18

Today was a pretty interesting day. I was hardly home at all, which sort of makes me mad because most of the reasons why I wasn't home were things I didn't really feel like doing. I got up around nine and had to be at Alex's house by ten to help him with his Eagle Project. That was fun. I've told people many times, I'm not much of a morning person, but I still went because Alex is a good friend of mine and he needed the help. Hopefully we'll work on it some this week too. Then I came home, and was here for about thirty minutes, only to turn around and go back out to Bellevue to the JCC for the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC). I'm going to try and post some things that we planned up on the Scouts Page later. After the PLC was done, we had a swimming event that followed where we just swam for a while. I took that first picture at the JCC because I thought it was funny and needed a picture of it. Alex and I swam together until about 4:30 when we played foosball and whatnot while waiting for my mom to pick me up. Then, we took Alex home. Then I came home, showered, and went to take dinner to Vanderbilt because he is "on-call" this weekend. For those who don't know what that means, that basically means he's the only doctor in his field at Vanderbilt this weekend, so he works extra long hours. We took him takeout from Carabbas, but I would have rather had Ruby Tuesday's, so that's tomorrow night. Then we went to The Great Escape where my brother wanted to get some Yu-Gi-Oh cards and I somehow found an AWESOME poster for the Return of the King. So I got that for about five dollars and now I'm finally home.


June 17

Lindsay's Party - The party was at Bennett's house in Belle Meade for Lindsay's band. It was Lindsay, Bennet and Zan. I'm really not sure why Zan was there because I don't think Zan is in the band, but whatever. I got there a little bit late, but still heard enough to make a decision. Lindsay's band is bad. Like really bad. Lindsay messed up the solos that I saw him play, and it was funny because while playing them, he tried to act like he was trying really hard on this solo that was really hard. And he missed notes in the solos too. Bennett has been playing for six years, on eless than Brandon and three more than me, and I'm definately better than he is. He just plays the same thing over again, and he missed some things that were very obvious in the song. I'm not saying that I could nail every beat in any song, but he missed some big stuff that was really obvious. Then Lindsay did some wa-wa pedal solo thing at the end which was really bad because he mauled that pretty badly too. Then, because the event ended an hour too early, we all swam in Bennett's pool in our clothes for an hour. It was fun overall, but I can definately say that their band is very, very bad.

June 12

So my vacation is now over. It seems like it went by so fast it wasn't hardly even there. It was fun though, because Oregon is so much different than Nashville and I was really looking forward to a getaway from Nashville. Thankfully, the airlines didn't screw anything up on the way back. They did search every single bag that we had though, which makes me mad because it's so stupid. One of these days, I'm going to take a suitcase, fill it with those foam peanuts, and then put like 23 or 24 lacrosse balls in there and on each one write something like, "1/26 or 2/26, etc" so that they keep looking, but fail. Then tape a big sign inside the suitcase that says, "You Lose!" on it. That would make me feel better, since they go to all that damn work for nothing.
In other news, my legs still hurt and I don't know why the pain hasn't subsided yet after this many days. And, I got the new Dream Theater CD, Octavarium. It's really good. I'm not extatic over anything on it yet, but everytime I listen to it, it gets better, so we'll see. Check out the drummer page I made too, since I finished it for now tonight. It's my favorite page so far.

June 4

The past few days have been odd, stressful, and somewhat annoying, so thats why I haven't had access to my computer. On Friday, I was attempting to put some music from CDs onto my Zen Micro. Well, the first few CDs copied and transferred music just fine. Until I put in my Disturbed "The Sickness" CD. My computer made the usual warming up noise to recognize the CD, but then there was like this crash. I thought maybe a fan or modem had broken in the computer tower. But, in fact, when I ejected my CD, there was only half a CD there. The other half is in a million pieces inside the computer. So we had to take it in to CompUSA and get it replaced. Because I left for vacation the next day, I didn't have another chance to get to a computer. Now for the trip to Oregon. Everything was going fine and all until my second flight going from Dallas to Portland. We got on the plane and sat there for awhile, but something was wrong with the luggage compartment. So we switched planes. That took us an hour. So now we are one hour late. So now we're on the next plane, still waiting to go to Portland, and they don't have the free drinks and food. So how long did we wait for our free 15 pretzels and can of Coke? One and a half hours. So now we're two and a half hours behind schedule. Then we got into Portland and didn't have enough time to make the drive from there to Sunriver, so we had to stay overnight in a hotel. The weird thing is, American Airlines doesn't have to pay for our hotel night because they only had to get us to Portland. So even though it's their fault we didn't make it to our final destination, they didn't have to pay for it. I think that they should have to, but whatever, I'm just going to ignore it. And the only thing nice about this trip was that my PSP got an unexpected battery life. I think I got about eight to nine hours of playing time, which is incredible since the predicted amount of time is six hours. And Hot Shots Golf is an amazing game, by the way. To read a full review of it go read my Half-News article.

June 2

Today sucked. It was pretty much a downer day and was depressing to look at. I slept in, spent most of the morning working on this website. I got the hit counter thing on, and I'm working on a drummers page currently. Then I had lunch and I was afraid to look at my mother because I thought that she'd be mad because of my grades. She didn't seem to mad, but that's probably because she knows my dad will kill me instead. Then I made some calls for my Eagle Project and that went well. I think I'm going to help with a garden locally. Then I got my Zen Micro back from the warranty people and they gave me a new one! Score! Yes, but that was the only thing good that happened today. Then I practiced a little and then I had to go to graduation for school. That was not fun at all. I had to be there an hour and a half before it started to usher and hand out programs in the rain. Then, I had to pass out programs to stragglers for twenty minutes after it started. Then, I found out that the freshman, sophomores, and juniors were all dismissed. That just made me so mad, because I couldn't leave. Then I had to stay through the whole thing, when I couldn't even watch it because there was no room, to hand out newspapers at the end. Then I finally got to leave and come home to put music on my mp3 player.


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